Moderated by Fito Segrera (Head of Research & Creation at CAC)
Location: Chronus Art Center (No.18 Bldg, No.50 Mo Gan Shan Rd)
Language: English (with Chinese interpreting)
*Free admission
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Chronus Art Center (CAC) is pleased to co-organize the Harddiskmuseum Meeting and Artists Community with artist Solimán López during his spring residency at CAC. Harddiskmuseum is an experimental art project founded by López in 2016. Transforming the conventional definition of museum into a new social and cultural context, the project has incorporated 50-plus collaborative participants to date and traveling around various cities spanning Madrid, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, among others. This spring,Harddiskmuseum, in collaboration with <CAC_Lab>, will launch its first presentation in Asia and invite the local media artists to participate and introduce their artistic practices in the space of Harddiskmuseum.
Harddiskmuseum subverts the notion of museum as a solid architecture and experiments with a new possibility of sheltering art and culture in a more expansive and intangible space that grounds on interactive art systems and grows with collective imagination. By establishing a mobile hard disk and compiling creative productions, files, and other forms of traces in the framework, every participant is able to play with different roles in the project, starting from editors, graphic designers, illuminators, caretakers, museum directors, curators and of course artists. At the same time, the hard disk does not only enable information to be archived and organized into folders, but also reanimated as a complex universe that reveals multitude of information, increasing and connecting across peripheral devices.
López explores the art structure in today’s technological era by joining the discourse of different social facades closely related to art, and by combining new exhibition models that would ignite richer ideas and reflections.
To know more about Harddiskmuseum, please visit:
About the Artist
Solimán López (Burgos, 1981 – Spain) BA in Art History and Art and Communication Master, is media artist, researcher, Harddiskmuseum founder and director of the I+D+i Department in ESAT (Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología de Valencia).
He develops his work and investigation applying and analyzing technology from a conceptual and technical point of view, creating digital art, performances, interactive and multimedia works, investigating the social changes made possible by the technological revolution and the new language proposed by the digital debate. He is well known for the works related with the meaning of digital files.
His work has been shown in Cuba (Festival de Camagüey), Timoteo Navarro (Tucumán,Agentina), Sweden (SwitzerlandArtSpace), Etopia: Center for Art and Technology (Zaragoza),or art fairs such as ARCO, JustMad,ArtMadrid in Spain, among others. He has been selected in awards, shows, festivals, biennials and scholarships such as Technarte Bilbao, ADA (Archive of Digital Art), Laguna Award (Valladolid), Tedx Valladolid, Madatac Madrid, Variation Media Art Fair (Paris), Open Codes, ZKM (Karlsruhe, Alemania) or FAD Bienal de Arte Digital(Río de Janeiro). López has given talks in conferences and organized workshops in TEDx Valladolid, la Fundación Bancaja, CAAC Cuenca, Etopia: Center for Art and Technology (Zaragoza), Universidad de Cuenca (Cuenca) , Universidad Carlos III (Madrid), Campus Google Madrid, Brasil, among others.