For our 2023 and onwards programming, Chronus Art Center (CAC) extends its investigations which have informed its ongoing research and resulting exhibitions and public engagement within an ever more technologically entrenched time-space and entangled public domains.
Taking a new vantage point, CAC considers partnership with like-minded institutions and organizations from diverse backgrounds to help build a broader audience and strengthen knowledge-production and dissemination. CAC will thus adapt to a multi-nodal, networked exhibition and research model to mount theme shows, at the same time opening a new CAC Project Space which is designed as CAC’s experimental platform. The space will showcase individual artist’s research and creative output. These shows will be interrelated, articulating multifaceted trajectories addressing and highlighting our annual programming perspectives. Through this hybrid approach, we hope to bring to public attention the intricate and dynamic processes inherent in research / creation-oriented art practice.
While continuing our decade-long commitment to research, exhibitions and public programs, beginning in 2023, CAC will also launch a new publication initiative. This new project will be in the form of an imprint focusing on three interrelated themes, namely the Posthuman, Ecology, and the New Commons, prioritizing establishing a new publication platform for young scholars of media studies and practitioners of media art worldwide. As a CAC publication initiative, it serves its overarching goal while also functioning as one of the publishing arms of the project Recreate, a transnational, multi-nodal project partnered with CAC. In addition, CAC will mark its tenth anniversary with a publication that delineates the center’s ten-year’s history. This bilingual publication documents CAC’s exhibitions, public programs, special projects, and lab activities by accentuating the dynamic synergy of art and science as a response to the challenges and opportunities that contemporary media society have given rise to.